Our Approach

We are committed to being a leading learning foundation that embraces a culture of openness and reflection and proactively shares what is learned to inspire systems change transformation beyond our direct reach.

We believe that intentional learning is fundamental to achieving impact. Our learning strategy is grounded in our Theory of Change and guided by a set of learning questions (our Learning Agenda), which focus on areas of our work where we need to increase our knowledge of what works (or doesn’t) and are designed to inform our understanding about the most impactful role we can play as a philanthropic actor.

To realize our learning goals, we promote transparency and dialogue—both internally within our teams, and externally together with our peers and collaborators. Crucially, we seek to build on our partners’ perspectives, experiences, competences, and resources with the goal of refining our collective thinking and building increased buy-in for systems change approaches.

As we move forward with our work, we are committed to challenging our assumptions and not shying away from the tough questions. We welcome opportunities for constructive engagement and honest exchange—to expand our own thinking, and that of the field at large—about how complex systems change happens across contexts. To achieve this, we will create open spaces to share the results of our research and evaluation efforts and reflect on lessons learned, ideas, and insights generated by our teams, peers, and partners.

Have a look at our Annual Report .

Want to follow us on social media?

@Jacobs Foundation

Overview Jacobs Foundation


Donika Dimovska
Chief Knowledge Officer
Alexandra Güntzer
Chief Communications Officer

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